The welder came with the stand, the table and the small Argon bottle. I've since rented a large 240sqft bottle as I was having to refill the small bottle on a weekly basis! |

The table is actually half the table.. When I went to pick up the welder and table, the seller and I were unable to get the table onto the truck 'cause it was too heavy! He used an oxy-acet torch to cut it in half which made it much more manageable. |

This was some of my very first attempts at welding. As you can clearly see, it was pretty horrible! |



Callie, my picture helper. She's pretending to be related to a chipmunk, I think. |

This was one of my first successfull welds. |

The weld didn't crack when bent and the metal broke first when I pulled it apart. |

That's enough. Callie says, "My fans will have to wait!" |

Here's the first 'real' thing I welded. The welding, after a week or two (2-3 small bottles of Argon!) of practice has definately improved greatly! |

I had planned on making it into a stand for my grinder but haven't gotten around to it. |